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Terms and conditions

These General Booking Conditions and any document referred to therein (hereinafter, the "Booking Conditions") govern the use of the website (hereinafter, the "Site", better defined in art. 1, letter b) of these Booking Conditions) and describe the conditions under which Better Bookings Limited (hereinafter, "Vogue Voyage") provides its booking services for hotels and travel packages to third parties through the Site or through any other application that allows access by a registered user to the booking services provided by Vogue Voyage (hereinafter, the "Service").

Before using the Service you must read these Booking Conditions. Use of the Service is reserved for registered users who have accepted these Booking Conditions. Failure to accept the Booking Conditions precludes use of the Service. If you do not wish to be bound by these Booking Conditions, please leave the Vogue Voyage Site and do not register.

These Booking Conditions are therefore applicable between you and Vogue Voyage in relation to the use of the Service as registered members (as better defined in art. 1, letter d) of these Booking Conditions) on the Site.

The sale of tourist packages, which have as their object services to be provided both nationally and internationally, is governed by the Tourism Code, specifically by articles. 32 to 51-novies as amended by Legislative Decree 21 May 2018 n.62, transposing and implementing EU Directive 2015/2302 as well as by the provisions of the civil code regarding transport and mandate, as applicable.

This website is operated by Better Bookings Limited, a company registered in England under number 10720746, with its registered office at Unit 4, Sandy Court Ashleigh Way, Plympton Plymouth, and VAT number GB266495855.


1. Definitions

The terms and expressions present in the Booking Conditions will be interpreted according to the following definitions:

a) "Vogue Voyage": indicates Better Bookings Srl with registered office in Strada Vasile Alecsandri nr. 9 A, Et. 2, Rev. 7, Iasi VAT number RO41330472;

b) “Site”: means the Vogue Voyage website, as currently accessible via the URL address veepee.better-bookings.com, together with any sub-domains of this site, unless expressly excluded by the general terms and conditions of itself, or any other URL address that Vogue Voyage may periodically define;

c) "Member(s)": indicates users who have chosen to register on the Site and have been accepted by Vogue Voyage, who are required to accept and comply with these Booking Conditions as well as any additional registration conditions that Vogue Voyage may periodically establish to become or remain Members;

d) "Account": means the personal information, payment information and credentials used by Members to access the Service and/or any communications system on the Site;

e) "Content": means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data collections and any other information, which can be stored in a computer, which is contained or presented on the Site;

f) "Suppliers": means suppliers of travel, holidays, products or other services (tour operators, hotels, airlines, ground handlers or any other supplier or provider), who may be directly liable to a Member who book the Products published on the Site;

g) "Product(s)": collectively means the products or services that a Member can book and/or purchase from a Supplier or from Vogue Voyage through the Site. Such Products may include, but are not limited to, travel packages as defined in lit. i) of these Booking Conditions, accommodation, flights, guided tours or other travel services or products as described on the Site;

h) "Tourist Service": means - as provided for by art. 33, c.1, letter a) of the Tourism Code - (i) the transport of passengers; (ii) accommodation which does not constitute part integral to passenger transport and is not intended for residential purposes, or for long-term language courses; (iii) the rental of cars or other motor vehicles pursuant to the decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of 28 April 2008, published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic no. 162 of 12 July 2008, or of motorcycles requiring a category A driving licence, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 2 of 16 January 2013; (iv) any other tourist service which does not constitute an integral part of one of the tourist services referred to in numbers 1), 2) or 3), and is not a financial or insurance service.

i) "Tourist Package(s)": means - as provided for by the art. 33, c.1, letter. c) of the Tourism Code - the combination of at least two different types of tourist services for the purpose of the same trip or holiday, if at least one of the following conditions occurs:

1) these services are combined by a single professional, also at the request of the traveler or in accordance with his selection, before a single contract is concluded for all services;

2) such services, even if concluded with separate contracts with individual tourism service providers, are: (i) purchased at a single point of sale and selected before the traveler agrees to payment; (ii) offered, sold or billed at a flat or global price; (iii) advertised or sold under the “package” or similar denomination; (iv) combined after the conclusion of a contract with which the professional allows the traveler to choose between a selection of different types of tourist services, or purchased from separate professionals through connected online booking processes where the traveler's name, contact details of the payment and the e-mail address are transmitted by the professional with whom the first contract is concluded to one or more professionals and the contract with the latter or these latter professionals is concluded at the latest 24 hours after confirmation of the booking of the first tourist service;

j) "Service": any online infrastructure that Vogue Voyage makes available and which allows access by a registered user to the services provided by Vogue Voyage. This includes, without limitation, web-based email, message boards, live chat and email links;

k) "User(s)": means any third party accessing the Site, including Members, who is not an employee of Vogue Voyage acting within the scope of the employment relationship;

l) "Product Sheet": indicates the complete description of the Product covered by the offer;

m) "Offer(s)": means the short-term commercial proposal present on the Site in the form of a flash sale;

n) "Tourism Code": indicates Legislative Decree no. 79/2011, as amended by Legislative Decree 62/2018 transposing EU Directive 2015/2302, and subsequent amendments and additions. 


2. Welcome to Vogue Voyage

Vogue Voyage is an exclusive travel club for Members only, which promotes the sale on behalf of Suppliers, as travel agents, of hotel stays, holidays and packages, guaranteeing discounted rates. Vogue Voyage also promotes the sale of Products at competitive prices, as an organiser. Each booking that a Member may make through the Site will be selected from one or more Offers that may be available at any given time. Members can book the Offers published on the Site within the sales time window which is made available according to the methods indicated from time to time on the Site.


3. Relationship between Members and Vogue Voyage

These Booking Conditions regulate the relationship between Vogue Voyage and Members regarding both the Service and the methods of processing Product reservations made by Members. Members must read and understand the Booking Conditions before using the Service and purchasing a Product. For any request for clarification, Members may contact Vogue Voyage at the following address voguevoyage@better-bookings.com


4. Account and Registration

4.1. To access the Service and to become a Member you must register and create an Account on the Site. 

4.2. You can create an Account by indicating your email address and a password or by using one of the social networks (for example, Facebook) indicated on the registration page. 

4.3. If your Account was created by providing an email and password, we recommend using strong passwords consisting of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. This data is to be considered confidential and must not be disclosed to third parties. Each Member is responsible for the confidentiality of their credentials and for all transactions that occur using their Account. In case of suspicion regarding manipulation or illicit use of the Account, the Member is asked to immediately contact Vogue Voyage at this address voguevoyage@better-bookings.com.

4.4. If the Account was created through a social network, Vogue Voyage will be able to access and use the information contained therein within the limits of what is permitted by the social network; may also store access data in accordance with the provisions of Vogue Voyage's Privacy Policy.

4.5. Once the Account has been created and the registration details have been confirmed via email, the User becomes a Vogue Voyage Member.

4.6. In order for the registration to be valid and effective, Members must have reached the age of majority and have the capacity to act.


5. Termination and suspension

5.1. In the event that a Member violates these Booking Conditions, Vogue Voyage reserves the right to suspend, terminate or prevent such Member's access to the Service and his Account, as well as to suspend his membership and/or limit the functionality of the Account. None of the suspended Members may access the Site using different names or the login credentials of another Member, with or without that Member's authorization.


6. Changes to these Terms and Conditions

6.1. Vogue Voyage reserves the right to periodically make changes to these Booking Conditions where it deems it appropriate or where required by law. All changes will be immediately published on the Site and will be deemed accepted upon first use of the Site following the change. In the event that there are substantial changes to these Booking Conditions, Vogue Voyage will inform you of such changes. However, each Member is required to regularly check the updates to the Booking Conditions. In each version, an effective date from which the effects of the Booking Conditions will take effect will be indicated at the beginning. It is understood that the changes will not be applied to reservations already submitted by the Member before the change.

6.2. In the event of a conflict between these Booking Conditions and previous versions thereof, the provisions of these Booking Conditions shall prevail unless expressly stated to the contrary.


7. Privacy

7.1. Use of the Site is also governed by the Privacy Policy, which integrates these Booking Conditions.


8. Hotel Classification

8.1. The official classification of hotel facilities is provided in the Offer, in the Product Sheet or in other information material only on the basis of the express and formal indications of the Suppliers or the competent authorities of the country in which the service is provided. In the absence of official classifications recognized by the competent Public Authorities of the countries also members of the EU to which the service refers, Vogue Voyage reserves the right to provide its own description of the accommodation facility, such as to allow an evaluation and consequent acceptance of the same by the Member.


9. Illustrative Material

9.1. Our goal is to provide an accurate presentation of the Products through the use of photographs and descriptions. However, the photos and illustrations on the Site are purely illustrative. Please note that the aforementioned contents may therefore not correspond exactly to the Product booked, for example, an identical view to that shown in the promotional photo may not be guaranteed.


10. Insurance

10.1. Vogue Voyage believes that having adequate travel insurance is the best way to protect yourself from risks deriving, for example, from the cancellation of the Tourist Package, from any accidents and events relating to the luggage transported, from any repatriation costs in case of accidents, illnesses, fortuitous events and/or force majeure that may arise while travelling. For this reason, Vogue Voyage encourages its Members to take out travel insurance that is valid at the time of booking the holiday for the destinations to which they intend to travel, and which covers the activities that they intend to carry out during the holiday. It is therefore advisable that all participants in a booked trip take out an insurance policy (in the case of families) or have their own adequate policy in place. It is also important to ensure that you have read all conditions and information applicable to any policy you purchase.


"Smart Option": the term indicates the insurance coverage service managed by Better Bookings Ltd. For further details you can consult the dedicated page at this link: https://better-bookings.com/so-service-description

10.2 Once you have selected and paid for your policy, you may be asked to answer some questions in relation to it. It is very important that you answer all questions truthfully, completely and accurately and that you disclose all relevant facts (for example, pre-existing medical conditions). Otherwise, the purchased policy could be invalidated and the user would then find himself without insurance coverage. Please check your policy details carefully to ensure all information provided is correct. The user is also asked to take a copy of the policy with him on holiday.

10.3 Should the user provide information on behalf of third parties, it will be his or her duty to obtain their prior consent to the sharing of data for the purposes of the subscription in addition to the relevant authorization to use their data.

10.4 To benefit from the insurance coverage offered by Smart Option, it is necessary to purchase the coverage at the time of booking or within 48 hours of booking by contacting the service: smartoption@better-bookings.com.


11. Limitation of Liability

11.1. Without prejudice to the application of mandatory rules, Vogue Voyage assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect damage, foreseeable or otherwise, both in terms of emerging damage and that of lost profits, nor for consequential damages, or for any other damage that may arise from the use of the Site, from any information contained therein or from any reliance on the content of the Site or on the Products sold through the Site on behalf of the Suppliers. Users declare that they are aware of the fact that the use of the Site and its contents is under their own responsibility and at their own risk.

11.2. Vogue Voyage cannot be held responsible if the failure or incorrect execution of the Product purchase contract is attributable to the Member or is dependent on the unforeseeable or unavoidable action of a third party, or was caused by a fortuitous event or force majeure such as, without limitation, natural disasters, environmental disasters, airspace closures and government restrictions, adverse weather conditions, strikes, civil unrest or threat thereof, war or threat thereof.

11.3 In application of the art. 43, c. 5 of the Tourism Code, Vogue Voyage, when acting as an organiser, has the right to limit the compensation for damages due in the event of a lack of conformity in the execution of a Tourist Package. In this case, said compensation will however not exceed the value equal to three times the price paid for the purchase of the Tourist Package. This limitation of compensation does not apply to personal injury or damage caused intentionally or through negligence.


12. Guarantees in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy

12.1 In case of flight included in the Tourist Package. Vogue Voyage provides complete financial protection for Tour Packages through the Tour Operator license number 1999 issued by the Ministry of Tourism.

Vogue Voyage or the identified travel suppliers provide the travel services listed (or a suitable alternative).

12.2. In case of flight not included in the Tourist Package. When the Member purchases a tourist package that does not include a flight, the guarantee in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy is provided by GENERALI SPA, policy NR.1000016541278.

13. Waiver of Rights or Actions

13.1 In the event that one of the parties to these Booking Conditions does not exercise a certain right or action contained herein, this shall not be construed as a waiver of such right or action.


14. Entire agreement, inseparable

14.1. These Booking Conditions and all documents, such as the Product Sheet, or the policies that form an integral part thereof as provided herein, entirely govern the relationship between the parties, with consequent exclusion of any other agreement.

14.2. Each of the clauses of these Booking Conditions is valid and effective in itself. Where a judicial body or other competent authority determines that any article of these Booking Conditions is contrary to law or ineffective, the other articles will remain in full force and effect.


15. Complaints and amicable dispute resolution

15.1. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the Products you have booked through the Site and you wish to make a complaint, you can contact both the Supplier and Vogue Voyage in a timely manner so as to resolve any issues raised.

15.2. If the issue arises involves Vogue Voyage, in order to prevent any disputes relating to these Booking Conditions, please first contact the following address voguevoyage@better-bookings.com to try to resolve the issue amicably. Alternatively, you can contact the complaints office at: Complaints Office, Vogue Voyage, Strada Vasile Alecsandri nr. 9 A, Et. 2, Rev. 7, Iasi (RO).

15.3. In the event that the attempt at an amicable resolution of the issue that has arisen is not successful, Vogue Voyage may propose to Members the resolution of the dispute through the use of mediation or assisted negotiation depending on the nature of the dispute.

15.4. If the complaint concerns the execution of the sales contract of a Tourist Package, the Member is required to give notice during the use of the Tourist Package by promptly submitting the complaint, according to the canons of correctness and good faith referred to in the articles 1175 and 1375 of the Civil Code, so that the Supplier or Vogue Voyage, in the event that it acts as organizer of the Tourist Package, its local representative or companion promptly remedy the situation. Otherwise the compensation for damage will be reduced or excluded pursuant to art. 1227 cc The Member must also - under penalty of forfeiture - lodge a complaint by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or another means that guarantees proof of receipt, to Vogue Voyage or to the Supplier, no later than ten working days from the date of return to the place of departure


16. Communications

16.1. For any questions relating to these Booking Conditions, please contact Vogue Voyage via the online form, chat service or by email at voguevoyage@better-bookings.com or by calling 02 8239 7517 (9am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm, 5 days a week). Vogue Voyage will be happy to offer its help.


16.2. Where Vogue Voyage should contact its Members or notify them of written communications, it will do so via email or pre-paid post to the addresses indicated at the time of creation of the Account or at the time of booking, if they are different.


17. Applicable law and competent court

17.1. These Booking Conditions are governed by Romanian law and are subject to Romanian jurisdiction.


18. The role of Vogue Voyage

18.1. Vogue Voyage acts as travel organizer for Suppliers whose Products are published on the Site, or communicated to Members. Vogue Voyage carefully selects the Suppliers with which it operates as an agent (based on their experience, reputation, feedback on the quality of services, etc...). The Service provided by Vogue Voyage consists in offering its Members the opportunity to purchase the Suppliers' Products at very competitive prices and to conclude the Product purchase contract directly with the Supplier. The conditions of sale of the Supplier itself will apply to this contract, and the Supplier will be directly responsible towards Members for the purchases made. Within the limits established by applicable legislation, Vogue Voyage cannot be held responsible for the failure of Suppliers to fulfill their obligations relating to the supply of the Product.

18.2. Vogue Voyage negotiates discounted prices with Suppliers for each individual Offer published on the Site. The purchase of Products by Members through the Site involves the conclusion of a contract directly with the Supplier and not with Vogue Voyage, which acts as travel organizer of the Supplier itself. Vogue Voyage is extraneous to the negotiation and conclusion of the contract between the Member and the Suppliers. Vogue Voyage is, therefore, not responsible for further conditions or limitations placed by the Supplier on the Products purchased by the Member (such as, for example, the impossibility of canceling a reservation once confirmed). These additional terms and conditions will apply to the booking and purchase of the Products on the Site. Therefore, the Member undertakes to respect the terms and conditions of the Supplier with which he/she enters into the contract and is aware that any violation of the conditions applied by the Supplier could lead to consequences such as, for example, the cancellation of the booking, the inability to confirm the flight or hotel booking, the loss of the sums paid for such booking.


19. Reservation

19.1. Below are the steps in the booking procedure for Supplier Products:

a) the Member selects the chosen Product from the current Offers, taking care to carefully examine the information contained in the Product Sheet. After clicking on the “Book” button the Member reviews the booking details, enters the passenger details and payment details. The Member can, at this stage, check and correct any errors in data entry. In order to proceed with the booking, the Member is required to accept the Booking Conditions of Vogue Voyage, as well as those of the Supplier by clicking on the appropriate check boxes;

b) by booking an Offer the Member purchases the Product. In particular, after clicking on the "Pay Online" button, Vogue Voyage charges the relevant amount to the selected payment method and sends, by email, the automatic online receipt confirming the purchase of the Product with the indication of the relevant Product Supplier purchased. The aforementioned receipt constitutes confirmation of receipt of the payment that Vogue Voyage has collected in the name and on behalf of the Supplier and contains the details relating to the purchased Product known to Vogue Voyage. The receipt may therefore not contain all the details of the itinerary, which will be specified by the relevant Supplier with a separate communication. When the Member makes the payment and accepts the Vogue Voyage Booking Conditions, as well as the additional conditions of the Supplier, a legally binding contract is concluded between the Member and the Supplier in question, relating to the supply of the chosen Product, in accordance with the these Booking Conditions applied by Vogue Voyage and the additional conditions established by the individual Supplier;

c) following the sending of the automatic response by Vogue Voyage referred to in the previous letter b) of this article, the Supplier will, usually within 24 hours, send the Member an email summarizing the purchase of the Product. In case of booking a Tourist Package, the Supplier will communicate to the Member its certificates and tour operator licenses. For any further details regarding the rights and guarantees relating to the purchased Product, please refer to the documentation (electronic or paper) that the Supplier will send following the booking.

19.2. All the Products on the Site are generally available. However, if after the purchase of the Product, the Supplier informs us that the Product or one of the individual services is no longer available, Vogue Voyage, also pursuant to art. 40 of the Tourism Code, will provide the Member with the right to use another Product of equivalent or higher quality without additional price or a Product of lower quality, upon repayment of the price difference, or will refund the Member the sum of money already paid within fourteen (14) working days from the time of withdrawal.

19.3. Until the point of payment described in point (b) above, Vogue Voyage reserves the right to make changes to the details of a Product or to withdraw it from the Site at any time where it becomes aware of any error or omission in relation to the details of the Product or in the event that it receives a request to this effect from the Supplier of the Product itself.

19.4. Before making a booking, you must check that on the date you intend to book you can actually travel to your chosen destination.

19.5. If the Member has any special requests, they can communicate them at the time of booking to Vogue Voyage which will attempt to pass them on to the Suppliers. Vogue Voyage cannot guarantee that such requests will be satisfied by the Suppliers, nor can it accept reservations that are conditional on the satisfaction of a particular request by the Member.

19.6. In the event that the Member has health conditions that could affect their trip, it is necessary that they communicate them to Vogue Voyage before making the booking, so that Vogue Voyage can verify whether the Product is suitable for the health conditions described by the Member.

19.7. Following receipt of the documentation relating to the booked Product, the Member is asked to ensure that the elements contained in the documentation are correct and, in the case of travel abroad, that the names and dates of birth indicated therein correspond to those present on the travellers' passports.

19.8. In the event that tickets and/or travel documents do not arrive by post or email, Vogue Voyage cannot be held responsible for non-delivery. In this case, please contact the Supplier immediately.


20. Price

20.1. The prices published on the Site are expressed in Euros and include VAT and any other applicable taxes (for example, airport taxes), unless otherwise specified in the Offer. In the case of hotel reservations, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the Offer, the prices indicated refer only to the rooms and do not include any other costs such as, by way of example, travel expenses or local taxes.

20.2. The descriptions of the Offers on the Site include the prices, the conditions of the Products, as well as any particular conditions applicable for the individual Offer. In the event that the price entered in the Offer is incorrect or in the event of variations, Vogue Voyage reserves the right to correct the aforementioned error in the description of the Offer before the Member makes the payment and therefore concludes the contract with the Supplier.

20.3. Any changes to the price of the Product (in terms of increase or decrease in the price) will be communicated in writing to the Member concerned under the terms and conditions set out in the following art. 30 of these booking conditions and, in any case, in compliance to the art. 39 of the Tourism Code.


21. Payment by down payment or monthly installments

21.1. If provided for in the description of the Offer, Vogue Voyage gives its Members the opportunity to book a Product without having to pay the entire cost in advance but by paying in monthly installments or by immediately paying Vogue Voyage only part of the price of the Product as a deposit and The remaining amount must be paid by Members directly to the Supplier before departure and in any case no later than the deadline indicated by the Supplier itself.

21.2. The member undertakes to make the installment payments provided for by the Refund Program at the deadlines indicated therein, guaranteeing in any case that the Payment Method has sufficient funds to allow the charges provided for by the Refund Program until its termination.

21.3. The exact amount of each payment and the related expiry date(s) are indicated in the travel documents sent during booking confirmation and can be consulted at any time by accessing Vogue Voyage customer service.

21.4. The Customer may, at any time, pay off his residual debt early for one or more purchases made through the Service or advance the payment date of an installment provided for in the Refund Program. Any early repayment does not entail the application of penalties.

21.5. The Customer is solely responsible for the presence of sufficient funds on his Payment Method. The Customer undertakes to promptly communicate to Vogue Voyage customer service any replacement or modification of the Payment Method or related data. In the event of a malfunction of the Payment Method, the Customer is required to promptly contact customer service, proposing another Payment Method and providing Vogue Voyage with all the necessary data. It is understood that any malfunctions of the Payment Method are attributable exclusively to the Customer, who will in any case be required to pay the amount due at the respective deadlines, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties. Vogue Voyage may debit the amount relating to the payment of the installment(s) to any Payment Method communicated by the Customer. Vogue Voyage reserves the right to apply an administrative penalty of 5% of the residual amount and with a minimum of 35.00 euros.

21.6. The Customer is required to make the payments provided for in the Refund Program by the deadlines indicated therein without exception, even in the event of disputes, disputes or complaints against Vogue Voyage or the Supplier.

21.7. The Customer has the right to use the Service free of charge, without charging commissions, interest and/or other charges, except for the charging of the penalties provided for by the art. 22 in the event of non-payment or delayed payment in accordance with the Refund Programme.


22. Late payments

22.1. In case of failure to comply with the Refund Program, Vogue Voyage has the right to charge the Customer a commission, as a penalty, for each individual installment that has not been timely paid; the commission applied is due to the costs that Vogue Voyage will have to incur due to failure or delay in payment of the installment by the due date established by the Refund Programme.

The commission is calculated as follows:

- up to 5% of the installment if the payment is not made within 24 hours of the due date established by the Reimbursement Programme;

- up to 10% if the payment of the installment is not made by the ninth day following the expiry date established by the Reimbursement Programme.

In any case, the overall commissions applied for each Deferred Purchase cannot exceed 15% of the Total Cost of the Product or, if lower, the maximum amount permitted by applicable law, and may be rounded up to the second decimal place (for example , a commission of €1.529 will be rounded to €1.53). Therefore, by way of example, if the Total Cost of the Product is equal to 25 euros, the maximum amount that can be charged as commissions cannot in any case be greater than 3.75 euros (15% of 25 euros).

If the Customer is unable to make the payments due, the reservation will be canceled and the amount already previously charged will be retained as a cancellation penalty.

22.2. In the event that the Customer intends to postpone an installment foreseen by the Reimbursement Programme, he or she may request this from Vogue Voyage customer service. Acceptance is subject to approval and in this case a commission will be charged in compliance with the limits set by the art. 6.1 and, therefore, the Customer recognizes and authorizes the charging of this amount which will be indicated at the time of the Postponement of the Installment.

22.3. In the event of erroneous charging of penalties or if the Customer documentally certifies that he is not responsible for the delay, Vogue Voyage will refund the penalties charged via credit.

22.4. In the event of non-payment or delayed payment, Vogue Voyage may appoint its own lawyers or specialized agencies for credit recovery. The Customer is responsible for any costs, expenses or charges incurred by Vogue Voyage and/or their agents for the recovery of the amount due, including legal fees, administrative costs and those payable to the debt collection agency.


23. Withdrawals, returns and refunds

23.1. Until Vogue Voyage communicates confirmation of the validity of the Withdrawal, the Customer will not be able to suspend or revoke the charges provided for by the Refund Program or fail to fulfill further obligations deriving from this Contract.

23.4. If the Withdrawal or Return is declared valid or in any case confirmed by the Seller, Vogue Voyage will, depending on whether the requested refund is partial or total, suspend, modify or cancel the Refund Program and - where necessary - re-credit the Customer in full. or in part the amounts previously charged to the same Payment Method used for the purchase, provided that the Withdrawal or Return was made within the cancellation terms of the travel offer purchased.


24. Contribution for booking

24.1. Vogue Voyage may charge a small administrative cost (booking fee) when booking the Product on the Site. The booking fee will be displayed on the final screen when you pay for the Offer you wish to purchase (€5 for bookings with total value between €0-99, €10 between €100-199 and €15 for bookings with a total value greater than €200). If you need further information about this, please consult the corresponding section in our Frequently Asked Questions.

24.2. By using our Service and making a booking with the Supplier, you automatically agree to be required to pay the booking fee.


25. Payment conditions

25.1. In the event that the Member proceeds to book Products from Suppliers, any payment made by a Member will be collected by Vogue Voyage in the name and on behalf of the Supplier; Vogue Voyage can only issue a separate invoice showing the VAT paid on any booking fee or commission. To obtain the latter type of invoice, simply contact customer service by writing to voguevoyage@better-bookings.com and provide your booking ID, which can be found in the booking confirmation email.

25.2. By booking, the Member confirms the validity and correctness of the payment details provided when creating the Account. In the event that payment cannot be made because the stated payment details are incorrect, Vogue Voyage will contact the Member requesting an alternative means of payment or cancel the booking.

25.3. Please contact Vogue Voyage immediately if you have any issues regarding the amount charged. In the event of errors in charging the payment, Vogue Voyage will immediately refund the relevant amounts to the Member's credit or debit card.

25.4. Payments can only be made via credit card and debit card. For the convenience of Members and in order to safeguard the payment information provided when creating the Account, all payments are made via the secure server of our online payment service provider. Once all the necessary information has been correctly entered, payments will be processed automatically through secure encrypted digital communication. Payment confirmations will be sent to you immediately via email and can be accessed at any time via your Account.

25.5. At the time of forwarding the reservation referred to in the previous art. 22, please verify that your credit/debit card details are valid and that you have sufficient funds for the transaction.

25.6. Vogue Voyage does everything possible to ensure that the payment system is available and functioning at all times, however it cannot guarantee continuous and uninterrupted access to it. Vogue Voyage also tries to ensure that Member payments are processed immediately, however it is often difficult to predict the amount of time it will take to complete such processing, as it is dependent on many factors outside of Vogue Voyage's control, such as , delays in the banking system or credit/debit card networks. Furthermore, access to the payment system may occasionally be limited to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new functions or services. Vogue Voyage will try to give reasonable notice of any planned interruptions to the payment system and will do everything possible to restore its functioning as soon as possible.


26. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal by Members

Unless otherwise indicated in the description of the Products or in the Product Sheet, once payment has been made, the sale of the Product is considered completed. Since all Offers on the Site are available only for specific dates, once a Member has purchased a Product, unless otherwise agreed, he or she has no right to cancellation or withdrawal. Pursuant to the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 205/2006) and the Tourism Code (Legislative Decree 79/2011) in implementation of the European directives on consumer protection and the tourism market respectively, in particular on the basis in conjunction with articles 47, letter. g) and m), and 59, c. 1, letter. n), of the art. 55 of the Consumer Code, the purchase of Products through the Site does not provide the Member with the right of cancellation or withdrawal.


27. Changes to the Offer by Members

27.1. Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous art. 28, if the Supplier provides for the possibility of modifying or canceling the Offer by Members, such modifications or cancellations may be subject to the payment of a penalty in accordance with the terms and conditions established by each Supplier.

27.2. Therefore, although as a rule the reservations made through the Vogue Voyage Site are all entirely non-refundable and non-modifiable by Members, where a Member still wishes to try to modify their reservation by contacting the Supplier directly, Vogue Voyage will assist the Member in attempting to modify or cancellation of the reservation. However, Vogue Voyage cannot guarantee that such attempts will be successful and cannot be held responsible for any additional costs required from Members for modifying or canceling their reservation.

27.3. The administrative costs for managing the cancellation procedure amount to €35 for a booking of less than €700 and €70 for a booking of at least €700. The amounts will be deducted directly from the total amount of the paid reservation.

27.4. Please note that, where among the Supplier's general conditions of sale there are provisions regarding modifications and cancellations of reservations, these conditions must not be considered binding on the Supplier when reservations of the Products are made via the Site. This in by virtue of the discounted rates that Vogue Voyage obtains from the Supplier, this discount being generally based on the fact that the booking is definitive and non-changeable. Members must therefore be aware that these conditions or terms of cancellation and modification of the Products are not applicable to those booked through the Site. The latter, therefore, are generally to be considered non-refundable for the Member, except in cases where otherwise indicated or written confirmation given in this regard by the Supplier.

27.5. Depending on the reason for cancellation, it may be possible for Members to recover cancellation costs by benefiting from the coverage of insurance policies taken out before the cancellation occurred. Requests to this effect must be addressed directly to the insurance company concerned.


28. Changes to contractual conditions and cancellations by Suppliers

28.1. In the event that a Supplier informs Vogue Voyage of a change in the contractual conditions or cancellation relating to the Product purchased on the Site by a Member, the latter will be immediately informed in writing via email by Vogue Voyage.

28.2 In the event that the Member has booked exclusively a hotel stay through the Site and the Supplier informs Vogue Voyage of the need to cancel the booking, Vogue Voyage, in addition to immediately informing the Member, will provide the Member with all the assistance necessary to identify a alternative solution. For example, Vogue Voyage may assist the Member in checking with the Supplier whether it is possible to change the dates of the stay or whether it is possible to request a refund from the Supplier. Without prejudice to the assistance that Vogue Voyage will provide to the Member, Vogue Voyage cannot be held responsible in the event of cancellation of the booking by the Supplier given that Vogue Voyage acts as agent, as better clarified in article 13 of these Conditions of Booking, and is not part of the contract stipulated by the Member with the Supplier (hotel).


29. Travel information: administrative and health formalities

29.1. Vogue Voyage will provide Members in writing in the Product Sheet or in the description of the Offer, general information relating to health obligations and the documentation necessary for expatriation. In any case, the Members will ensure, before departure, to verify the updating of this information with the competent authorities (for example for Italian citizens the local Police Headquarters or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the website www.viaggiaresicuri.it or the Central Operational telephone number 06.491115) by adapting before the trip. In the absence of such verification, no responsibility for the failure of one or more Members to depart can be attributed to Vogue Voyage.

29.2. If the Member has purchased a Tourist Package which also involves a minor, Members must refer to the State Police website. Minors must be in possession of a personal document valid for travel abroad or a passport, or for EU countries, also an identity card valid for travel abroad. With regards to the expatriation of minors under the age of 14 and the expatriation of minors for whom authorization issued by the Judicial Authority is required, Members must refer to the specific provisions indicated on the State Police website.

29.3. Members must in any case inform Vogue Voyage of their citizenship at the time of booking the Product and, at the time of departure, they must definitively ensure that they are in possession of vaccination certificates, an individual passport and any other document valid for all countries affected by the the itinerary, as well as residence and transit visas and health certificates that may be required.

29.4. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the socio-political and health security situation and any other useful information relating to the countries of destination and, therefore, the objective usability of the Products, the Member will have the burden of obtaining official information of a general nature from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and disseminated through the institutional website of the Farnesina www.viaggiaresicuri.it. Since this data is susceptible to changes and updates, the Member is required to read this information before proceeding with the purchase of a Product.


30. Travel information: Itineraries

30.1 With reference to Tourist Packages, Vogue Voyage will provide all the necessary information relating to (i) itineraries, duration, start and end dates (ii) the means, characteristics and types of transport, the date, time, place of departure and return and the type of seat assigned (iii) the name of the carrier that will operate the flight(s) included in the Tourist Package, in the Product Sheet and/or in the travel documentation that will be sent to the Member before departure; any changes will be communicated promptly by Vogue Voyage.

Mandatory communication pursuant to article 17 of law no. 38/2006: Italian law punishes crimes relating to prostitution and child pornography with imprisonment, even if committed abroad.


Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1341 and 1342 Civil Code, the Member declares to specifically approve the clauses referred to in the following articles of these Booking Conditions: art. 3 (Relationship between Members and Vogue Voyage); art. 5 (Termination and Suspension); art. 6 (Changes to these Terms and Conditions); art. 17 (Complaints and amicable dispute resolution); art. 20 (Applicable law and competent court); art.25 (Block the Offer); art. 28 (Exclusion of the right of withdrawal by Members); art. 29 (Modifications to the Offer by Members; art. 30 (Modifications of the contractual conditions and cancellations by Suppliers); art.36 (Block an Offer); art. 39 (Modifications of the contractual conditions and cancellations by Vogue Voyage); art.40 (Exclusion of the right of withdrawal by Members).


Better Bookings Srl with registered office with registered office in Strada Vasile Alecsandri nr. 9 A, Et. 2, Rev. 7, Iasi VAT number RO41330472

Number J22/1093/2019 and Tour Operator Agency license No. 1999/17.07.2019 issued by the Ministry of Tourism.

GENERALI SPA Civil Liability Policy n. 1000016541278

Insolvency policy VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP n. 40741143